Audio Guest Books

Luxury audio guest books available for hire within Christchurch & surrounding areas.

How It Works

Receive your Audio Guestbook

If you have a delivery booking with us then we can deliver it alongside your other items. Otherwise you can pick it up from us in Christchurch prior to your event.

Quick & Easy Set-Up

Set it up anywhere in seconds. No need to plug it in, simply switch it on from the back to turn it on. Place our complementary Audio Guestbook sign next to it and you're good to.

Loved Ones Leave a Message

Guests will be prompted to pick up the phone. hear a greeting. leave you a message and then hang up for their message to save.

Package & Return it Back To Us

Switch it off, pack it up & return it back to us or we will remove it for you if we are returning to remove other items alongside of it.

Receive your Audio Messages

Receive your online video messages gallery within 2 working days. Download, listen and replay on each wedding anniversary.

Contact us

Got questions? Simply fill out our contact form below!

Alternatively you can email us directly at or call us on 0211160293.